Well, while recovering from the Lurgy, I found myself feeling good enough one day to try to write an application to just record audio to an object in memory, and then play it back. I got tangled up in the user interface part, I was a little feverish and demented. Anyway at some point I ran it on my phone, the application froze and had to be escaped, and I took another round of meds and watched a movie or something.
Then later when I felt better, I just added the functionality from that program into my real "talkLock" program, by adding an option to the main menu called "record test". I also put some Alert(s) into the code to use as debugging statements. MMAPI code doesn't work in the emulators, so you have to test on the phone. The phone doesn't have stdout and doesn't handle the exception methods, so the best you can do is put an alert in that tells you where you are in the code.
Unfortunately none of my alerts are happening (!?). Basically when you select "record test", you get dumped back to the main application display. Finally I tried experimenting with some recording formats, and "amr" encoding made something new happen: the phone prompts me and says "talkLock is trying to record to memory" with a confirmation window. I allow it, and my application displays the main screen and hangs, and there was much rejoicing.
I also found out that J2ME gets unhappy dealing with large hunks of data, so I cut my recording object size down from 700k to 127k, which may have helped me get farther. I have no idea how to proceed at this point.
I downloaded the blackberry development kit, I guess I will try their propietary stuff and see if I can get anywhere with that. Wish me luck, and if you're in the midwest, hope you get into spring without catching the lurgy, or the crud, or whatever you call it :)
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