Monday, October 13, 2008

mobile java, threads and globals, example source code

So, I started with a clean project in Netbeans, talkLock_beta. The idea is that now that most of my R&D work is done, I should try to design talkLock rather than just hack stuff together.

I have done so, and made a midlet that does a simple test. I increment an integer variable in a thread, a global integer variable for my midlet. The midlet knows that the integer was incremented in the thread. So I don't have to do any crazy message passing things with threads, just use globals. Yay!

I could clean up the code and call it threadsandglobals or something, but for now, here it is.

// includes
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.List.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.RecordEnumeration.*;

// our midlet
public class talkLock_beta extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {

// Commands
private Command runthreads;
private Command getvalues;
private Command resetvalues;
private Command exit;

Form screenForm;

// Strings

// Ints
int getchunknum;
int postchunknum;

// Displays
Display thescreen;

// our void main
public talkLock_beta(){
// construct our main screen, a Form
screenForm = new Form("talkLock");

// construct our Commands for the CommandListener
exit = new Command("exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
runthreads = new Command("run threads", Command.SCREEN, 0);
getvalues = new Command("get values", Command.SCREEN, 0);
resetvalues = new Command("reset values", Command.SCREEN, 0);

// add our Commands to the Form

// ping the user
screenForm.append("midlet is alive");

// initialize our counters
postchunknum = 1;
getchunknum = 1;

} // end of our void main

// our runthreads method
public void runthreads(){

// the GET thread
Thread getthread = new Thread(){
public void run(){
} // end of run
}; // end of getthread

// the POST thread
Thread postthread = new Thread(){
public void run(){
} // end of run
}; // end of getthread

// see how they run

} // end of runthreads method

// midlet lifecycle destroyApp method
public void destroyApp (boolean unconditional) { }
// midlet lifecycle pauseApp method
public void pauseApp() { }
// midlet lifecycle startApp method
public void startApp() {
// initialize our Display
thescreen = Display.getDisplay(this);
// set our Form as the current Display
// flag the CommandListener to listen to our Display object
// we have to define our methods for the CommandListener to call
public void commandAction (Command c, Displayable s) {

// our exit command
if(c == exit){
destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed();
} // end of exit

// our runthreads command
else if (c == runthreads){
} // end of runthreads

// our getvalues command
else if (c == getvalues){
screenForm.append("" + getchunknum);
screenForm.append("" + postchunknum);
} // end of getvalues

// our resetvalues command
else if (c == resetvalues){
getchunknum = 0;
postchunknum = 0;
} // end of resetvalues

} // end of commandAction

} // end of midlet

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